We finished our monsters! I am so proud of them, they did an amazing job!!
I have the monsters on display outside of the classroom. I will only keep them out there for a couple of days because the kids are really anxious to take them home
We have completed week 2 of school. They are doing great! Some are still having trouble remembering to get their planner signed and getting their homework put into their binder. Please remind your child of the importance of this. Have a great weekend!
We are done working on our monsters! If they did not finish, they are to take it home to complete over the weekend. They are due monday, as we will be starting our rosary. Please remember to send in magazines if you have any that you no longer need. Have a wonderful weekend!
Monday, August 24, 2015
We will be finishing our monsters this week. They are on the fun part of decorating their monster and making it unique!
We had a good first week. Still trying to get use to the daily routine. They are being graded on having their planner filled out and signed by their teacher, having work and assignments in their binder, as well as random locker checks. I have started using "Brownie Points" as a reward system for those not missing any assignments. If they have no missing assignments at the end of the week, they get to place a brownie on the board. If at the end of the month they have four brownies, they get a treat. I have come to the conclusion that motivating with treats is highly successful.
We have had a great 1st week in Creative Living! They seemed a bit apprehensive about the whole sewing thing at first, but have now embraced it!! They are learning to thread a needle, Knot it off, sew on a button, stitch material together. I have enjoyed watching them improve their skills and love watching them gain confidence!! They are a fun group!
Our next project will be making magazine rosaries. If you have any magazines that you no longer need, please send them!